Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update Numero dos

OK. So some of you may or may not have heard, but we had a slight accident yesterday which was why I did not update.

Long story short, we took the students to a pool not too far and they boys were being boys and Alex L got kicked in the head and now has a small hole in his eardrum. John (full time director here in CROC) and Alex and I spend most of the evening at Santa Cecilla hospital in Monterrey (a VERY nice private hospital) and got to see a specialist. We got home around 1am and were up at 8 in hopes of getting him into a specialist. We will be taking him into Monterrey again this afternoon at 3pm for another test, and unfortunately, we will be taking him again tomorrow to see the DR. and get the final word and instructions to send home. We are really praying the DR has an opening this afternoon after the test so we don't have to drive to Monterrey again, so any prayer on that one would be greatly appreciated. There is a chance he will have some permanent damage, but things are looking very positive that he will make a full recovery! GOD is good! Also- medical costs here are CHEAP and things should end up about $500 or less which is awesome for the testing and care he is getting :)

Lauren (from First Pres) was also taken to the clinc this AM and turns out she has pink eye! We could really use some prayers for healing!!

Other than that; yesterday we put the walls up on the house, hung the rafters for the roof, went to the pool (which was AWESOME! Pool= 5 foot deep all around...nice and cool...surrounded by mountains :) )and played with a bunch of kiddos :) Today the students will be mudding the walls; translation, adding concrete to them to make them walls, and playing with more kiddos! Everyone is still in good spirits and are pretty tired but are working very hard!

Thank you for all of your prayers! We will keep you posted!



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