Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's day.

Thought I would attempt to get back into updating my blog, even if it's only once a week. Obviously, my posts may not always be profound, but it's a nice way to journal and do life at the same time :)

I have struggled with father's day since I was 11. I hate it. Seriously. I have struggled since my father was taken out of my life, or I guess should say he chose to be taken out of my life. God and I have been working on this for years and I seem to continue my struggle. I just can't imagine how a father could do what mine did to their child and family. I want to celebrate, I want to be joyful and wish dad's a happy fathers day, but it's a struggle. If you are a father and I saw you today and didn't say anything, I am truly sorry. Sometimes it's just easier for me to not converse...keeps me from turning in to a blubbering mess, lol

Despite today and what it represents to me, I really feel like God is pressing good memories from my father figures since I lost mine and I feel incredibly blessed. 

Yes, today has been hard. Yes, I have cried more than I care to admit or let others see. The difference? I have an amazing husband who understands (as best he can) and a mother who has supported me and covered me with love for as long as I can remember. I feel blessed today to have my father figure, step father, and father in law to support me. They all know my baggage and I'm pretty sure they all know how hard today is for me, yet the love me all the same. I feel so blessed. 

I'm working through this junk, and I know someday things will get easier, they are getting better as the years go by. Just wanted to take the time to wish all of you fathers a happy father's day and remind those of you who are in the same boat that you are loved. 

Sorry-post is a little rough and a downer but I really felt like I was supposed to share some of this. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Mexico update!

Hello again from CROC!

There are a few things that have changed in our plans, but we are trusting God and moving with Him! Having a blast! We finished up our activities with the kiddos yesterday and are looking forward to a little bit of rest later today :) We are looking forward to maybe seeing a movie or going to the pool today instead of going into Monterrey. To keep you all posted, as I feel you deserve to know, there was a drug lord arrested yesterday (PRAISE GOD he was captured!) and so we are taking extra precaution and staying outside of the city today and possibly tomorrow, depending on how today goes. Nothing violent has happened and we don't expect for it to, we are just taking extra precautions. We will be safe on our trip home, as many of the peaceful sit ins are happening in the evening and night times.

Please continue to pray for safety and health.

Matthias is feeling a little sick today and we are praying for God to heal him and restore him :) Please also pray for safe travel home on Saturday!

Love and Blessings!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

We are here and it is HOT! Tonight is going to be short post but just wanted everyone to know we made it safe and sound :) No trouble at all!

Today we toured CROC and then went to church and spent the afternoon at the pool! This evening we got to do a scavenger hunt with the local teens and now its time for evening prayer! Tomorrow is a full day!

Everyone is doing well aside from connor and dan having minor tummy troubles this AM. Please continue to pray for the team as we minister to the community!

I will update when I can!

Blessings from Croc!