Thursday, June 25, 2009

Numero tres!

Hello again :)

Today was a great day but extremely HOT! We finished mudding the walls and tomorrow we will paint, put the roof on, finish the electrical and go into Monterrey (or the outskirts) for an excursion before a house dedication!

Today was a fun filled day for adventure. A few of us go to experience a factory tour from CROC into Monterrey (ask when we get home, this one is going to be a short one!) and others got to go see how Youthfront distributes micro-loans to women starting their own business! We raised funds for this a few months ago! Awesome experience! Other than that, business as usualVBS, English class, and tomorrow will be the store!

Everyone is happy and healthy now and we are not anticipating anymore injuries...keep those prayers coming!

Love and blessings,

Mary & the team!

1 comment:

Tracey Sinclair said...

Awesome! Thank you for the updates Mary! We know you're all in God's hands and we're trusting Him with the rest of this trip as well!! Can't wait to hear everything!