Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day three. Failure?

I feel terrible today. My body is even more exhausted than it has been and my head is pounding. I am not sure if my body is getting sick but I do not feel well. I cannot imagine how someone who ate like this all the time would feel or could feel like this on a regular basis. I think I will have to throw in the towel after today, as I became faint earlier this afternoon and was forced to eat a $.25 bag of chips. 
I feel even worse when I consider failure. I really believe this was a challenge for me to complete and cannot express how sad I am that I am unsure if I should complete the full 7 days. I have lost 4lbs since Sunday and Brian has expressed a little concern for my physical well being. I am really going to meditate on this one tonight. I need to distinguish my voice from His.
I cannot really remember the things I wanted to say here tonight and am going to bed early. It seems like all my body wants to do is sleep! 

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal 1/2C $.08, hot coco $.11
  • Lunch: Fluffer nutter sandwich $.32, carrots (4 baby carrots) .$10
  • Snack: Bag of chips (un-avoidable) $.25
  • Dinner: Ramen $.17, Koolaid 8oz $.16 (needed to boost my blood sugar) 
Due to the bag of chips (their face value anyway) I went over today. $1.19

1 comment:

Ben said...

Continuing to pray for you in this journey, Mary. You need to know that even though this may feel like failure to you, in NO WAY is it so. Through your courage others are inspired.